Urgent action needed! Tell your representative to cosponsor the Medicare Patient Access and Practice Stabilization Act (H.R. 879) before it’s too late. 
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Share Your Story

How has telehealth impacted your care? Sharing your story helps improve virtual care options.

Your Voice Matters

As a patient, you know firsthand how telehealth is increasing the convenience and availability of care. The success of telehealth during the COVID-19 public health emergency has made it clear that covered telehealth benefits should remain available to patients after the pandemic is over. Join other patients who are sharing stories about their experience with telehealth to help Congress understand why they should act to make virtual care a permanent addition to our health care system.

Share Your Story


I've had 12 telemedicine visits since the pandemic and it's been amazing! [T]elemedicine is so convenient.
I'm 78 years old. Telemedicine is so much more convenient then trying to get a ride. I can keep appointments when I feel too bad to go to the doctor.