Urgent action needed! Tell your representative to cosponsor the Medicare Patient Access and Practice Stabilization Act (H.R. 879) before it’s too late. 
Take Action.


Communicate with lawmakers on issues affecting health care


The Patients’ Action Network will keep you updated on critical health care measures pending in the U.S. Congress, government agencies, your state legislature, and as reported in the media. We’ll let you know when bills are heading for a vote, or are in danger of being ignored. And we’ll ask you to help ensure lawmakers take appropriate action on these important issues.

Your lawmakers need to hear from their constituents-you! You don’t have to be an expert or a professional lobbyist to have a positive effect. It won’t take up much of your valuable time, and whatever time you do give will have a tremendous impact on saving our nation’s health care system. If you follow a few guidelines, you can become a truly effective advocate (PDF).

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